Self Build – get to know your local planning authorities policies.
All local authorities have their own adopted planning policy or otherwise known as a Local Plan. Unlike building control, planning rules can differ considerably from council to council, so gaining an understanding of your local authority’s local requirements is vital. Research the local council’s policy as well as national regulations and consult your council’s planning department or a Chartered Planning Consultant, architect or other professional, who can advise on the requirements and/or process. We here at Elevation One offer all these services and are always happy to help, having guided many local people through the planning process towards a successful self build project. .
If you’re still in the research stage of the process, take a look at the development plan policies of your local area for insights into plots that are more and less likely to get approval. Your local authority may offer supplementary planning guidance, giving more detailed information about their expectations and the external factors you need to consider such as the structure and layout of the neighbourhood. Talking to your prospective neighbours about any concerns they have can also help.
It’s important to note that policies can change over time, so what wasn’t permitted in the past may be considered today and vice versa. Don’t forget that you can track the progress of your application with the local authority and if you receive a request for further documentation or your application is rejected, use their expertise and ask for advice.